The summer months are quickly approaching and you are thinking about installing a new walkway. Like many homeowners, you want to optimize the fun and relaxation, and what better way to do this than by installing a concrete walkway that connects your backyard patio to different sections of your home. A concrete walkway will always make it a lot easier and safer to traverse different areas of your property, such as a hill or a garden.

Overall, concrete walkways represent a major upgrade in terms of increasing the value of your property. You also no longer have to walk through and trample your yard or garden to get from one area to another. This means that a walkway will add a great deal of functionality to your property. Also, for anyone wearing fancy or expensive shoes, a walkway will prevent any footwear from becoming ruined.


There is no question that installing a concrete walkway on your property will greatly increase its value and curb appeal. In a recent survey conducted by the National Realtors Association, a concrete walkway was identified as a top 10 feature that appeals to buyers. Simply installing a new walkway can easily increase the resale value of your home by about $10,000, which means that you will recoup your money and potentially turn a profit.

Having your own personal walkway will greatly enhance the curb appeal of your home. This is what appeals to prospective buyers: adding elegance and panache to your home. Walkways have an inviting and welcoming effect on us and they add more design and uniqueness to your landscaping.
Concrete as a base material for your walkway offers you a lot of design options in terms of the shapes, color schemes, patterns, and textures that are available to you. We always encourage our clients to get creative and explore the many choices that are at their disposal. We want to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with the final results and the way your concrete patio appears.
You can also call us at any time to learn more about our professional installation services. You can speak to one of our representatives and they will tell you everything we have to offer.


Installing a concrete walkway will provide you with ease of access to different areas of your property. Also, having a concrete walkway installed on your property can come in handy during inclement weather and other unpredictable conditions.


If you are in an area where there are real safety concerns due to the weather and other natural elements, then an outdoor walkway can come in handy. It provides you with a direct and secure pathway to your home or business, so you can get inside quickly and safely. This way bad weather won’t deter you from getting inside and accessing your home. A solid concrete walkway gives you a lot more support to walk on than wet and slippery grass.


We have plenty of clients who install a walkway purely because adds more functionality to their property. They have a more straightforward path to different access-points in their property and they can get around without having to walk on top of the soil and grass in their yard. Convenient walkways are a very desirable feature, especially for more spacious properties.


Many of our clients tell us that they just want a space where they can walk around and have some time to reflect and relax. We’ve had clients install a walkway that circles an outdoor pond or garden, creating a seclusive area where they can retreat and meditate. You can also connect your concrete walkway to your patio to make it even easier to for you and your guests to take a stroll at your own leisure.

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We utilize high-grade materials and specialized equipment to ensure that you are receiving an exceptional installation service. We do everything we can to provide you with a walkway that is suitable to your needs. We can assure you that anything we install will correspond with your landscaping and greatly enhance its appearance.


A concrete walkway will greatly increase the value of your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers


Concrete walkways make it much easier to access different sections of your property with ease


Concrete walkways are a much safer alternative to walking on gravel, grass, and mulch


Concrete walkways offer you an affordable and resourceful way of adding more curb appeal to your home


Concrete is a versatile material that allows you to get creative with the appearance of your driveway


If you do decide to sell your home at some point in the future, then you will likely recoup the money you invested in your walkway

Walkways are a very common installation because they offer benefits and improvements that many homeowners cannot refuse. They provide a clear and direct pathway from one section of your home to the other. Some people choose to use them more liberally and use them as a means of relaxation. Whatever your reasons are for installing a walkway, you can get a lot of use of it.

In addition to installing walkways, we also perform concrete driveway and patio installations. Our contractors possess an ample amount of knowledge, skill, and experience when it comes to concrete repair, remodeling, and installation services, so you can trust them to get the job done right. We are always very accommodating throughout the installation process and we do our best to ensure that everything is suitable for your needs.

Whether you are looking to add more value or curb appeal to your property, a walkway installation is the way to go. Our installations are extremely affordable and we do everything we can to ensure that you have access to our services. You can always schedule an in-person consultation with one of our contractors who will go over everything that we gave to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a question you have regarding our installation services? Here are some of our most commonly asked questions:

How often do I need to clean and maintain my walkway?

Most concrete will require that you periodically reseal to keep it in good condition. Other materials are a lot more durable and won’t require as much maintenance. You will also need to powerwash your walkway a little more regularly. Doing this will prevent cracks and physical deterioration from taking effect in the concrete material. However, if you do need to fix your walkway, repairs are always relatively cheap. With paver materials, you can simply replace the broken piece with a new one.

What function does a walkway serve?
There are a lot of ways in which you can use a walkway. You can add another element of elegance and beauty to your landscaping, or you can make it a lot easier for you to traverse from one section of your property to the other. Walkways are also perfect for areas that experience a lot of foot traffic, such as an entryway to your place of work. You can also use your walkway as a space in which you can take your pets for a walk. Overall, there are many uses and benefits to installing a walkway.
What will match the aesthetic of my home?
Your landscaping is merely an extension of your home. What you want to achieve is a cohesive overall appearance that is appealing to the eye. You need to think of your home in terms of the geography in which you live and historical precedent. Should you aim for something more classical or modern? Do you want something with a more natural appearance? These are the questions that you need to ask yourself before moving forward with the installation. Children are also something that you need to take into account. Do you want something a little more plain-looking so that they can draw on the concrete material with chalk? These are the things you need to consider.
What are concrete pavers?
Pavers are an outdoor flooring option that is very popular among homeowners. The installation is similar to tiling except concrete offers a lot more durability and structural resilience. Pavers are usually placed and installed in a base of sand or crushed up limestone. You can modify and manipulate the size and shape of the paver and with concrete, you have a lot of different options to choose from in terms of texture and color scheme. Homeowners usually opt for pavers for their unique appearance and incredible strength. Any movement in the soil underneath your pavers will not affect or damage your installation.
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Why you Should Hire Us

We are one of the most reliable and reputable companies that you will find in the Las Vegas area when it comes to concrete repair and installation services. We are always eager to get to work for you and begin installing your new walkway. Hiring a professional contractor will make the process a lot easier, so call us today and speak with one of our team members to determine the kind of service that is right for you!

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